Friday, November 21, 2008

Getting Started - 11/21/08

  • The stock market tanked again yesterday as Congress balked at bailing out the auto industry. Just remember - the market can't fall below zero (can it?) (NY Times).

  • A federal judge ordered the release of five Algerians held at Gitmo for the last seven years saying their detention was illegal. As part of their release, the men requested bus fare to Crawford, TX. Why anybody would go to Crawford is a mystery, the only thing there is . . . 000h . . . right . . . (NY Times).

  • In an unrelated (?) story, Attorney General Michael Muskasey, 67, collapsed during a speech last night and lost consciousness. Reports that 72 vestal virgins were dancing about his body could not be confirmed. (NY Times).

  • From the News of the Weird - some cat in Australia gave birth to a kitten with two faces. Creepy photo courtsey of UK Times:

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