Mexican Manuel Uribe, tipping the scales at 560 kilograms (1,234 pounds) and seen here at his home in 2006, was listed as the world’s fattest man by the Guinness Book of Records.
So Manuel is going back and forth in the news for being the worlds fattest man (seems hard to believe) and the man to lose the most weight. Rumors are spreading like cholera around Monterey that he may someday be able to walk.
I like doing my hair, looking nice," he said. "To pee and make love are the best things. Ah, to go to the toilet." Ahh...Indeed Mr. Uribe.
So this picture of Manuel was flying around the internet a year or so ago and a close friend wrote that she couldn't think of a word disgusting enough to describe it.
Hence, the following email exchange (which gradually drew more people):
Alicia: This is.... I can't even think of a word disgusting enough to describe it.
Me: and yet, you gleefully decide to share such great little nuggets with me.
I truly appreciate that. Since there is, admittedly, no one word that really does work...I say we start a contest of who can make up the best word describing said "affliction" or "condition" or "body-type", and then use it in a sentence.
My first attempt will be Mulpap.
Manuel was not the man he was 20 years ago. Although a bit pudgy for his age, Manuel had now become a full-fledged Mulpap. Or [as shown here] Manuel can hardly keep his Mulpap from spilling over the side of the bed.
Alicia: At first look, I thought the side skin on his legs was his sack. So my word is sacfold. Manuel’s sacfold appears to be chafed.
Me: Pusspert.
Manuel has trouble finding clothes that conceal his infected pusspert.
[in an ironic twist, Liz finds the developing transcript troubling]
Liz: Alright, just stop it. This is gross. I have work to do and you are not only distracting me, you are grossing me out and it takes me too long to recover my ability to focus.
Me: Manuel has not been able to work either since the ever increasing size of his flubmunt prevents him from sitting in most office chairs.
Liz: I hate you.
[Cliff joins the fray]
Cliff: Kafoong.
Due to his bed ridden state, Manuel's left leg has kafoong running from his sack down to his toe, however this is not the only place the infection is located.
[I love Cliff's inclusion of 'however']
Me: smolgunt/smelky
Nurses tried bandaging the bedsores, but the smelky odor from Manuel's smolgunt prevent anyone from staying in the room for longer than 2 minutes.
[Liz put a stop to the fun at this point]
Update: In March, Mr Uribe ventured outside for the first time in five years.
A forklift lifted Mr Uribe's bed onto a truck and the 41-year-old rode through the streets of San Nicolas de los Garza, a Monterrey suburb. Mr Uribe was on his way to meet his girlfriend for a date to celebrate his weight loss and her birthday. But unfortunately a road accident and Mr Uribe's health got in the way. One of the posts holding a sun-shielding tarp over his bed hit an overpass. Mr Uribe's blood pressure then dropped so much his doctors advised him not to go on and the celebration was cancelled. :(

Update Update: Manuel has apparently lost 570lb. Way to go Manuel...or should we say Trevor Reznik--the Machinist II, electric bugaloo?