They look cute on kids and hot on certain girls. Rappers should definitely be given a pass no matter what. Hispanic, black or white, rappers get to wear whatever sport jersey they want. Note: Please though, keep it a sports team's allegiance to something. Dont wear a Looney Tunes jersey for any reason. Even FUBU athletic gear looks contrived. When wearing sports apparel made for the athlete you love in a somewhat creepy fashion, try to keep it classy(impossible).
Because I am not overly concerned with the asian rapping demographic or their propensity for wearing sports apparell, I have declined to comment on the celestial's wearing of 'gear.'
Linda (Bakersfield): Juxtaposably, what is the cutoff age for guys to wear sports jerseys?
J: Great question Linda (who doesnt live in Bakersfield, isnt concerned with sports jerseys and doesnt really exist). However, your question should be...what is the cutoff age when
First of all Linda, Brothers can wear jerseys all they want. They just look better in them. It doesnt matter what size the Brother is, he looks solid in a jersey. The fattest of fat black guys can pull it off. Even more honesty reveals that the fattest brothers look a fright more flattering in 3XL jerseys than they do in just about anything else. Fat white guys...please dont adopt this logic. You will still find a way to look awkward and...fat.
Secondly, Brothers can and do wear jerseys for any occasion. They are not confined to wearing them when the big game is on or when heading to a sporting event. They are not confined to wearing the team they like best. They roll the gear when it suits them (often) and it works (frequently...not always). He can stroll in public and wear a Tarheels Jersey with a Duke cap. Now, would he??...doesnt matter...he can and should he choose to...he can pull it off.
Clearly this jersey wearing problem is mostly confined to the white folk out there. Later we will compile a list of Brothers who should have their jersey-wearing privileges revoked due to awkwardness, with #1 on the list being Spike Lee. Mars can sport it, you cannot. But Whites look as awkward wearing sports gear as they do dancing. That's another reason why white rappers pull off the jersey...they, most probably, can dance at least a little. And perhaps there is a correlation between jersey wearing privileges and dancing. Pretty hard to picture Carlton
-...does anyone look like they belong in Raiders gear more than Bubb Rubb...(the question Linda was rhetorical-the answer is simply no) .
So, when is a good time for white guys to 86 the sports gear in public? Some could argue it is when you move out of your parent's house. However, this does nothing for some of the more passionate face-painters that openly admit and are proud to share the same mailbox as mom.--Jets Fans?
When can a jersey be worn with dress shoes? Seriously? If you are asking this question, please stop reading here...there has to be a syndicated episode of MadTV on somewhere that can occupy your time. I am sure this is the same guy that wonders if SlamBall jerseys are going to be in 'again?'
Does it matter if it's a football jersey as opposed to a basketball jersey, baseball, soccer (huh?), hockey? This, however, is a good question. Just because Cameron Frye wore a Red Wings jersey with chinos in Ferris Bueller's Day off doesnt mean you are given the fashion license to do so. If you are defending your wardrobe selection based on 80's movies...perhaps we have bigger issues to tackle and the jersey thing is pretty small potatos.
When can a jersey be worn with dress shoes? Seriously? If you are asking this question, please stop reading here...there has to be a syndicated episode of MadTV on somewhere that can occupy your time. I am sure this is the same guy that wonders if SlamBall jerseys are going to be in 'again?'
Does it matter if it's a football jersey as opposed to a basketball jersey, baseball, soccer (huh?), hockey? This, however, is a good question. Just because Cameron Frye wore a Red Wings jersey with chinos in Ferris Bueller's Day off doesnt mean you are given the fashion license to do so. If you are defending your wardrobe selection based on 80's movies...perhaps we have bigger issues to tackle and the jersey thing is pretty small potatos.

-Speaking of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, what happened to Sloan Peterson? She was like the 80's version of Megan Fox. I feel like we as a society were robbed for not seeing more of her. No, instead we got a pre-nose job Jennifer Grey and Molly Ringwald picking up the slack...thanks. If I wanted to think of girls that went to my high school, I would have gone to my high school.--Good. Enough. Diploma. Hooray! On a further tangent, the fact that Jennifer Grey got a nose job..."contrived and sad" or "damn, took you long enough?"
Does it matter if you wear it in the privacy of your own home? I suppose this is acceptable if you are watching the game and dont expect sophisticated company (so very likely).
If you have to wear your jersey, I guess wear it to the tailgate and to the game. Honestly, I still think it should be reserved for the hot girls and young tikes.
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