Gifs at
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
You are very ordinary compared to this.
I like at around the 1:00 mark, how we jumps...doesn't make it...recovers...and then literally pulls this move out of his ass.
A new product for the gals wishing to sculpt their arms...
Besides the obvious enjoyment in just watching the shake weight, I like how they test it and have computer monitor hooked up to show how truly scientific it is. Further, the fact that this thing has a lifetime warranty shouldn't give you the least amount of pause. I am sure this company will be around for generations to come.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Impressive to be sure, but then you see this and it all makes sense.
these videos have been making waves on the innerwebs and we thought we would share them with you. this fella is a little athletic.
Mustache Monday
My accent after watching this photo turns strangely into an italian one...and I cannot explain it.
I know Zorro is not Italian...but the mustache sure feels Italian.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Hey little fella
Tell you what. Next time, just wear jeans. Or a cup. Or both. You know what, nevermind the
Friday .gif file
Gifs at
hmm. totally stumped.
I want to hear your take on this. Me? I am going with guy. But a very unfortunate guy. If this fella had black shades and stick with a red end, I still don't think it would absolve him of a general responsibility to do better than this. Seriously? The shoes/slippers? And it isn't as though this photo is taken with him/her halfway out the door and just happened to get photo-terrorized. This...this...person is taking a stroll.
A cropped shirt? Honestly....what gives?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A Russian story with a Viktor and an Olga...this cannot be happening
Olga then locked Viktor in the shop's utility room before telling colleagues she would call the police and then dismissing them.
However, she clearly thought better of it, deciding instead to strip the robber before handcuffing him to the radiator with a pair of pink frilly lined handcuffs. She then plied him with viagra and "raped" him numerous times over the following four days.
A tired and sore Viktor was finally released three days later, heading straight to the hospital for treatment for a torn frenulum (another reason to get circumcised). He then went to the police to report Olga for "actions of a sexual nature".
Shocked police then arrested Olga, who promptly reported Viktor for robbery.
“What a bastard,” Olga complained. “Yes, we had sex a couple of times. But I’ve bought him new jeans, gave him food and even gave him 1,000 roubles when he left.”
Apparently Viktor confirmed that he had been fed "royally" by the no-nonsense coiffeuse.
Olga and Viktor are both now apparently on charges, and hard time will no doubt be on the agenda when the cases finally reach court.
I was always more of a Ricky the Dragon Steamboat kinda guy...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Deer on the Headlights
Free Will is Not Free License
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Just curious...with all the new workout regimes...
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Dog Days of Summer Are Here!
Alien Obama
To prove that Obama is an alien, she brought her own birth certificate as evidence. And by proving that she has a birth certificate, not only does she conclusively establish that Obama has no birth certificate, she also proves that Obama was born in Kenya. Pow!
To drive home the point, she placed her birth certificate inside a protective sleeve, which reveals the invisible ink connecting the gaps in her logic. She also waved a smallish American flag, made reference to "The Grestest Generation," and her father, a veteran, whose birth certificate was mysteriously absent from the proceedings.
Sarah Palin Says the Most Ridiculous Things
Friday, July 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Caption Contest
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Cause the boys in the hood are always hard
-you know the next line.
despite the guy having douche sunglasses and wearing said douche sunglasses in a doucherific fashion, he definitely pulled her card.
We don't endorse or support violence against women, but this wasn't violence and this wasn't women (she was alone).
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
.gif files will amuse and battle for top billing on Fridays
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Lame joke of the week
"I remember my first bottle of scope"
The Observer
Editor’s note: This story contains disturbing material. Reader discretion is advised.
A man drunk on mouthwash who performed oral sex on his unconscious sister in Rainbow Park was sentenced to jail-time served and three years probation Tuesday in Sarnia court.
The 38-year-old pleaded guilty to committing an indecent act May 4 in the south Christina Street park.
A publication ban was imposed to protect the sister’s identity.
The man doesn’t recall the incident but didn’t dispute it occurred, based on a witness’s statement.
A family visiting the park about 6:30 p.m. came upon the couple on a park bench, police had reported earlier.
Defence lawyer Robert McFadden noted his client was incomprehensible when arrested because he and his sister had been drinking alcohol-laced mouthwash.
The woman was intoxicated and unconscious throughout the incident.
The mother of the pair told McFadden she hopes her son didn’t realize the woman was his sister. She called it the low point in her son’s life of alcohol abuse, the lawyer said. think?
“I can’t imagine it could get any lower,” replied Justice Mark Hornblower, who agreed with McFadden it was a “disgusting” act.
McFadden said the man is ashamed of what he did and has asked his mother and sister for forgiveness.
“I believe the family can work through this,” he said.
The man told the court, ”I am going to have to live with this . . . I need to get help.”
Hornblower sentenced him to the 64 days served in pre-sentence custody and the maximum allowable probation term of three years.
He directed the man to get help for alcohol abuse, including enrolment in a residential treatment centre.
He can have no contact with the witness who reported the incident or his sister, unless the sister gives written consent to a probation officer.
He is also banned from any public park if he has been drinking.
“It’s not for the public to have your problem imposed on them,” Hornblower said.
Well, at least his breath was minty fresh.
I like the "he is banned from any public park IF HE HAS BEEN DRINKING." Look, I think we can all agree that this fella isn't making the most informed and coherent decisions while drinking. Perhaps he should be tethered if he PLANS on drinking. Or better yet...just take it down a notch.
old video of cyclist takes us all back to the goonies
You remember right?
When Mikey's older brother was supposed to be watching them and the Goonies bound him up with exercise equipment and slashed his tires. Then little girl remember. You know who played his older brother? A young and virile Josh Brolin(I just found out this fact a few weeks ago).
speaking of movies and cycling (not really), who saw American Flyers? Like anyone will admit that.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Minneapolis follows it's billing as #2 healthiest city by putting on pajamas and hitting the 'sizzler'
They celebrated this great news by doing what every glutton with low self esteem does. Eating an entire bucket of KFC because they walked to their car earlier in the day.
Introducing the ALL YOU CAN EAT SEATS!!!!!
While the Minnesota Twins prepared to play the Cleveland Indians on a recent evening, a few hundred fans were getting ready for a night-long contest of their own — a race to empty out the concession stands before they closed.
"I've done four hot dogs, three nachos, a pretzel, some popcorn and about four of these pops," said Charlie Romain, proudly treating himself to an early 22nd birthday feast. "It's only been an hour, but I'm digesting a bit right now."
High above third base, Sections 232 and 233 have been turned into all-you-can-eat seats for 10 Tuesdays this season. So far, about one-third of the 600 available tickets have been sold for each of the special nights.
Awesome. Because a good idea can't go unpunished, several other MLB teams are following suit. Pittsburgh Pirates, Texas Rangers and Baltimore Orioles are all planning
Those single A teams are putting oversized asses in their seats and catering to a female demographic by doing the exact opposite.
Free Lipo!
No Bullshit, this is happening in Niles, OH
The Mahoning Valley Scrappers and Valley Surgical Arts will be giving away a liposuction treatment to one lucky lady during the July 8th Scrappers game against the Auburn Doubledays.
stupid golf tricks (it is your call as to whether the "trick" is a who or a what)
EMBED-Hot Girl Pulls Off Insane Golf Trick Shot
ugh. I cant even pull my clubs from the bag without tripping and looking like an uncordinated ass.
Kim Jong Il has something in common with Lindsay Lohan
No...he hasn't suffered irreparable career setbacks (although he kinda has)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
"don't make me shit on your back...after I knock you out"
When Hacker regained consciousness, she and Duvall began to hit each other and wrestled one another to the ground. The altercation stopped momentarily, but started again when Duvall was told to leave the residence. Duvall bit Hacker on her bottom lip, causing a one-inch cut. Hacker grabbed a steel pan and struck Duvall five times."
Friday, July 3, 2009
This makes me feel so much better about myself
How does this disturb me? Let me count the ways:
1) the fact that it looks as though he has somehow figured a way to use his armpit to wipe his ass;
2) the fact that this ever seemed like a good idea;
3) he is alone and by all reasonable inferences...sober;
4) the ticking of the clock;
5) the wonderful artwork on the wall that reminds of the abandoned conference room;
6) the fact that he finds the need to get that close to the camera (wouldn't a mirror have been just as informative or was this necessary to win Copenhagen's free 2 night trip to Branson?).
Thursday, July 2, 2009
clearly he was moved into giving by the holy spirit. or the music. or pcp. I guess if you are going to bring if you bring it strong at the church.
"it is a mystery why brother franklin is still single"
speaking of singles, one wonders what we might get if he were to drop a ten spot in the offering.
lame joke of the week
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Quick aside to our devoted readers
This guy has nerves of steel, best of the worst men
strong work. There is only one way to do a toast....
1) take down 16 vodka tonics
2) ask your mom if you "seem okay enough to make a toast"
3) rain success down on everyone as you let adrenaline and liquor do the rest
seriously...khaki pants?