Does this look like the face of a sex offender?
we didnt think so either. For those in Concord...we felt/feel compelled to pass along this story. Be careful where you trick or treat folks. Avoid the underpasses and trailer parks.
Concord, NH
Jonathan Perfetto, a repeat sex offender, left prison eight days ago. He's living in a Concord parking garage and spending his days at the city library. He never finished sex offender treatment in prison, and he has no one supervising him.
Makes sense.
Perfetto's biggest fear, he says, is that he's going to reoffend. His measure of success isn't reassuring. "I haven't bought pornography yet, and I've been out (of prison) almost a week," he said yesterday.
Baby steps...right?
He failed so frequently in prison that he "maxed out" his sentence last week and landed in Concord alone, broke and homeless. He can't get into a shelter, because none takes sex offenders. And he can't get treatment, because he can't pay for it.
Perfetto, 34, began sexually assaulting people at age 17. In 1991, he molested a young relative in Manchester, he said. He served a short sentence at the Youth Development Center, followed by a stay at a Massachusetts group home. He violated his probation with an arrest for petty larceny.
Perfetto spent the next few years living in homeless shelters in Manchester and Nashua, he said. He spent some time in Concord, living in his car. But by 1999, he lost control; in that one year, he was charged with sexually molesting or assaulting three women, he said.
First, Perfetto sexually assaulted a woman at a homeless shelter. Those charges were eventually dropped, he said, when the woman failed to show for the court case. Her boyfriend "got even" by punching Perfetto in the nose five times, he said.
That seemed to work...wait.
That same year, Perfetto began seeing a woman he described as "mildly retarded." The woman and her mother had been staying in a Manchester shelter, and Perfetto invited them to spend a stormy night at a mobile home he was renting in Goffstown.
I think we all know where this is going, right? Those who have not had this happen to you, ye cast the first stone. Does that mug up there look like the face of someone that would take advantage of a mildly retarded girl in a rented mobile home...?
A few months later, Perfetto assaulted the third woman, this one a 20-year-old friend of his brother, he said. He describes it this way: "I goosed her, and then when I reached for some bread (at the table), my hand touched her chest."
Brother? Wait...what? He goosed her and then touched her chest while grabbing bread. I screwed a mentally handicapped girl in a trailer...why are we quibbling over bread/chest groping?
Perfetto was released from jail in July 2000 but didn't maintain his freedom long. In February 2001, a friend borrowed Perfetto's laptop computer and discovered that it was loaded with child pornography, he said. The friend notified the police, and Perfetto was arrested again.
"I rationalized it," Perfetto said yesterday of the child pornography. "I thought, 'I'm not molesting anyone, but I can look at the pictures.' I can have my cake and eat it, too."
[no comment. just wow]
Perfetto began sex offender treatment almost immediately but was kicked out for breaking prison rules. Some violations were small: He walked around in his socks, not his shoes as required. Some were not: Perfetto said he sexually assaulted someone inside the prison. True, that isnt a small violation.Perfetto bounced in and out of the sex offender treatment program for three years before he was removed for good in 2005. Perfetto had been given a final chance to participate but was kicked out for breaking rules. His final error was standing for the morning count without his prison-issued shirt on, he said.
"I'm absentminded," he said yesterday.
If we had to sum up the problems with Perfetto (aside from him being a waste of an awesome last name), number one on the list would probably be absentmindedness.
*Follow the link for the full story... it involves a man, his plan and that plan coming to a screaching halt due in small part to a skirmish that all started because of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
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